we are the deep dive family already- the new way of healing

All my life I dreamt of creating a village in which I could happily live with likeminded brothers and sisters - elders and children - cocreating a meaningful and vibrant live for all of us.

Collaterally I saw the medicine of a beautiful life lived and it’s vibrational field for the rest of the world. In quantum ways the frequency of joy and love would directly and eternally change the world into a place which would have more capacity for joy and love.

I always thought of this village and it’s inspiring diversity as something solid - like a real location.

And while I’m holding the vision that one day this will actually manifest in a physical way - I am also realizing and acknowledging that this village already exists.

And it exists because Brie and I had a vision and committed to having it become real. The vision of creating a deep loving and safe space in which we all can dive into what’s holding us back and support, hold and witness each other on our journeys of becoming whole and healthy - radiantly alive.

And after years of working on this vision I find myself looking around in awe and delight… the village became real! You all felt the vibrational pull, y’all were ready to change, you all were willing and determined to show up. Show up for yourselves - but not as disconnected, isolated seekers - no! you all were called in by the community, the tribe. You were ready to stay connected, to do the work together.

I am thinking of the word Ubunta which in a free translation means as much as ‘if the village is thriving, I am thriving. AND when I am thriving, the village is thriving.

We all seem to need the village in order to find ourselves, our place, our sense of belonging and purpose. Ultimately to HEAL.

Well, my friends… I am thrilled to have all of you living in our deep dive village.

Welcome HOME!

bjorn leonards