These are big times! - Jessie's deep dive inspirations

And they don’t show signs of slowing down or getting any simpler any time soon.

 There are a lot of people around me in challenge, crisis, and chaos, swept away by external craziness or internal conflict, health problems, relationship struggles and more.  Running the program, or perhaps being run by the program when perhaps this level of suffering is not even necessary. 

 And yet here I am.  Feeling this new, incredible, expansive capacity to ride the waves in ways I’ve never felt until now.  Stepping up and stepping in – to what sometimes feels like a hurricane around me – encompassing it and transmuting it.  Or at least offering a different perspective.  Or sometimes just a conscious breath.

 This is a new way of being for me, an evolution out of empath and into alchemy: instead of feeling everyone’s intensity so strongly, I’m feeling so solidly ME that I can begin to broadcast my unique frequency into the field.  I can see the intensity and be with it, hold it, stay sovereign and watch how just being myself, present in the presence of whatever is happening has the potency to transform it.  

 It’s not always easy, but it is simple. 

 And I’m seeing how it affects people, how strongly standing in my power is a force for healing and helping those around me.  It’s not draining, it’s energizing.  

 I didn’t know how to do this until now.  I have been learning this, practicing this, since my first Dive experience with Brie and Bjorn a year and a half ago, when I got to feel the vibration of this level of sovereignty, this level of integrity, and it resonated, and I kept feeling it and feeding it and it changed me in subtle and profound ways.  

 Stepping into holding space and loving with a greater capacity than I knew was possible, this couldn’t have happened without this community, without YOU, without ME, without this incredible cauldron of transformation that isn’t even physical, that is a field around the creations of Brie and Bjorn and now me and all of you who have ever been a part of or have yet to step into this incredible field.

 Imagine walking straight into a tidal wave, without a drop of water touching you.  

 In truth we all have this power, this capacity.  It’s a matter of activating it, of remembering it, practicing it, allowing it.  I am grateful to myself for showing up and to Brie & Bjorn – their incredible field – and to this Tribe.  Can’t wait to see how our Deep Family grows. 



Brie Lamers