The High on Life School

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Yeah, please gimme some Conventional...

Most of the time being in a conventional😕relationship is not even 🌦so bad.
Until you start asking questions, like:

-Why💁🏼‍♀️ all this compromise and sacrifice?
-How come I don’t feel seen and loved💕 for WHO I AM?
-What happened to speaking my truth? 
-Why does this feel like WORK?
-Where are all the 🤼‍♂️arguments coming from?
-Am I safe to talk about my deepest dreams and 🧞‍♂️desires?...

That’s what Brie and I have been doing for more than 20 years. Questioning the ‘normal’, taking a deep look👀 beneath the surface, not blindly🙈agreeing with the conventional beliefs, rules an 👨🏻‍✈️regulations.

Pretty uncomfortable at times. Especially for the people in our field, that much rather would hold on to their mediocrity, who’d prefer to wing it half assed🚶‍♀️.

Totally okay👌🏽 to do this. But if you feel like there is SO much more to life (and your relationship), so much missing and are excited to step up and get a hold of the New Paradigm way of expansion, connection and 🦄Magic...
Brie and I are HERE. NOW. LIVING IT.
PIONEERING🧚🏼‍♀️ the way for YOU.
Because we love you.💖
