The High on Life School

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Heaven on Earth

In the last 12 days some of the most competent and influential change makers gathered in Costa Rica with the intention to co create a new paradigm global pattern for community that would not only work, but radically change life as we know it, literally redesign every single detail of how and why we are living here on this amazing planet.


The suggestion was to start out by trying to figure out whether this new paradigm prototype should be based on following strict eating patterns, sexual preferences, certain restrictions on the use of substances and avoiding producing waste and so on.


But pretty soon we realized that just about all of us had PERSONAL FREEDOM coming up when we were talking about the most important ingredient we wanted to see integrated.


And religiously obeying rules and restrictions, by telling people HOW they have to drop into their hearts, by coming up with a moral system, stating what’s right and what is wrong, we’d just reinvent what we already have, what I would call old paradigm.


How can we INclude and hold space for EVERYBODY on this planet when we have and enforce ‘law and order’? 

If we prescribe veganism for example, we exclude everybody who eats an occasional egg and so on.


It was amazing to observe the shift and the full body understanding in our dream team that followed this discovery: 

Rather than focussing on how the new world SHOULD look like, we dropped in to observing how we were already implementing the heart centered new paradigm energy into our lives. 

Right there. 

Right then.


We ARE naturally leading by how WE live. 

We are the example. 

And we don’t want to be the example because we want the world to change, but because we can’t HELP ourselves living and expressing ourselves the way that truly FEELS right.

Because we live in Soul Alignment, joyfully, purposefully, beautifully.


And this is how our days actually did look like:

We were doing yoga, breath work and meditation together. 

We would sit silently together and be mindfully eating our high vibrational meals with our eyes closed

We’d hold each other, have long meaningful conversations, look deeply into each other’s eyes, opening up to radical understanding and acceptance. 

We’d get naked and spontaneously run into the ocean, screaming and laughing.

We’d randomly haul the speakers onto the beach and crank some tunes, dancing ecstatically feeling our bare feet in the soft sand with no thought about how we might appear to anybody else.


In other words, we created a space where we ALL could be seen and witnessed in our individual expression and celebration of this greatest of all gifts called life. 

We allowed every moment to BE the ceremony it already is. 

We approached each other and our surrounding with childlike curiosity, investigating, following intuition, listening to our hearts.


And that is exactly the energy of these new communities: 

They are sacred spaces where people can just BE. 

Where we can decompress, reconnect, restructure and come to peace. 

A place where we can drop from our minds into our HEARTS. 

A place where we can heal our feeling of being not enough, disconnected and alone and open up to experiencing profound connection and deep love. 

Love, not for something or somebody.


Just simply LOVE.


As a TRIBE this place already exists now.

And I am SO excited to watch it take root in all kinds of locations all over the world.


And don’t be fooled: It is happening NOW. It is on full speed. It can’t be held back.


Out goes my deep appreciation to my beloved sisters and brothers who were by my side in this magical unfolding.


I love you.

Situation like these just naturally happen...