The Truth about Truth✨

Brie took this photo🌃 of me photographing our youngest daughter 🚶‍♀️Zora. 
Yeah, it’s an amazing shot. 
But I wanna guide your attention to that thing called ‘perspective’.✨

So, I am so in my story, focusing my energy💥 and lens towards Zora and whatever background is framing her - which is something we all can’t see from looking at Brie’s shot. 
For me, taking this 📸picture of Zora is ALL there is in that 🕉moment. 
While Zora is looking my direction, seeing ME🕺🏼 and what’s behind me. Her story is that she is being photographed by her Papa. 

And both of us are so engaged that we don’t even notice that we are actually also part of 💃🏻Brie’s story. And you, although you seem to be looking at the same thing as Brie, are yet engaged in your own 🔀story.

I could go on. But here I want to ask you the question: 
Whose story is the True one, the Real☑️ story?

You see what I am getting at. In relationships (as in life) there is no right or wrong🚮. 
There are a bunch of overlaying stories, of which we are 99% unaware.

So, how about trying on some awareness💡 of perspective today? 
Give it a shot!
What’s my story, what’s yours, which one hers and his? And feel how it can open you up to a LOT MORE🎇.

Just giving you a taste what else is out there.
Enjoy the ride🏄🏼‍♀️!

We love you.💖

bjorn leonards